Food environment on a university campus: development and analysis of an instrument for the evaluation of commercial foodservices




Collective Feeding. University. Questionnaires.


Introduction: Consumer food environments have characteristics that can influence food choices, favoring or limiting the promotion of healthy eating. To identify these characteristics, specific, appropriate and reliable instruments are necessary. Objective: To assess the reproducibility of the Questionnaire for Assessment of Food Environment in Establishments that Sell Ready-to-eat Meals and Snacks (QFE), which was built to identify barriers to and facilitators of healthy food choices on a university campus. Methods: The QFE comprises 86 questions on the description of the service, availability of foods items, and barriers to and facilitators of healthy diets. Reproducibility was assessed using the kappa coefficient, p<0.05. The score scale was estimated based on the QFE, with a maximum 36 points. The final internal consistency was determined by the Cronbach’s alpha, adopting the value of 0.70 as the minimum acceptable. Results: Reproducibility was almost perfect or substancial for 64% of the questions, with a mean kappa of 0.72. The mean score of the QFE was 15.4 (SD=4.4), and the restaurants had higher scores (mean=18.8) when compared with the other types of foodservices (p-value<0.01). It was found that 67% of the restaurants and 13% of kiosks/trailers fell into the 3rd tertile of the QFE score. Conclusion: The questionnaire was considered appropriate to assess food environment of commercial foodservices, allowing to discriminate the establishments with potential to promote healthy eating.




How to Cite

Rodrigues, C. B., Monteiro, L. S., de Paula, N. M., & Pereira, R. A. (2021). Food environment on a university campus: development and analysis of an instrument for the evaluation of commercial foodservices. DEMETRA: Food, Nutrition & Health, 16, e51139.



Food and Nutrition in Collective Health