
  • William Santos Ferreira Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo, São Paulo, SP
  • Lírio Hoffmann Júnior Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo, São Paulo, SP



democratic profile of jurisdiction, effective adversary, technology, efficiency, orality


How can the constitutionally inspired democratic profile provide the jurisdiction with a gain in legitimacy? With the lively purpose of shedding light on this fundamental questioning, which demands an amalgamated analysis of efficiency that takes into account speed and respect for the fundamental guarantees of the parties in the process, the necessary guidelines for the construction of a structured and adequate model of procedure that makes it possible to achieve socially fair results. Throughout the article, considerations are raised regarding the notion of effective adversary and the role of the principle of cooperation as a working community that authorizes, above all to the parties, the exercise of influence in the construction of the decision rule by the judge. Also considered are considerations related to the principle of efficiency in the managerial and jurisdictional aspect of the Judiciary Branch's performance, with the partial conclusion that efficiency assumes different roles as a motto of the jurisdiction, and as a shaping principle of the procedure. Subsequently, considerations regarding orality in the process are developed, and about the supplementary role of the courts in structuring the evidence, based on a relatively open model designed by the new Civil Procedure Code.

Author Biographies

William Santos Ferreira, Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo, São Paulo, SP

Doutor e Mestre em Processo Civil pela PUC-SP. Professor de Direito Processual Civil na graduação, mestrado e doutorado da PUC-SP. Líder do Grupo de Pesquisa do qual se origina o trabalho: “Processo Civil: Tradições, Transformações e Perspectivas Avançadas (TTPA)” da PUC-SP, integrante da rede internacional de grupos de pesquisa ProcNet. Advogado e Parecerista. São Paulo/SP.

Lírio Hoffmann Júnior, Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo, São Paulo, SP

Doutorando em Processo Civil pela PUC-SP, Mestre em Processo Civil pela PUC-RS. Especialista em Processo Civil pela UFSC. Professor de Direito Processual Civil nos cursos de graduação e pós-graduação da UNISUL – SC e na Escola Superior da Magistratura de Santa Catarina - ESMESC. Membro do IBDP e integrante do Grupo de Pesquisa do qual se origina o trabalho: “Processo Civil: Tradições, Transformações e Perspectivas Avançadas (TTPA)” da PUC-SP, integrante da rede internacional de grupos de pesquisa ProcNet. Juiz de Direito em Santa Catarina. Florianópolis/SC.



How to Cite

Ferreira, W. S., & Hoffmann Júnior, L. (2021). FOR A NEW ORALITY IN THE CIVIL PROCESS: JUDICIAL COOPERATION, EFFICIENCY AND SYNCHRONICITY. Revista Eletrônica De Direito Processual, 23(1).