Práticas antirracistas na sala de aula de Língua Inglesa

ações que fazemos com a linguagem na Educação Básica


  • Glenda Cristina Valim de Melo Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro
  • Karoline dos Santos Silva Silva Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro
  • Tayene Mendonça Santos Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro



The aim of this article is to propose a reflection on English language teaching in public schools and racial issues, based on two anti-racist educational practices carried out by two black female teachers in English classes in two public schools in the city of Rio de Janeiro. To do this, we briefly introduce the teaching of IL, the BNCC and Law 10.639. We then look at language and the issue of race, based on Butler (1997), Fanon (2008) and hooks (2013). We then show two examples of anti-racist practices carried out by two public school teachers in the English classroom, in different contexts in the city of Rio de Janeiro.





Dossiê: A pesquisa sobre as línguas e as linguagens e suas interfaces com a educação básica