is the voice we hear on the inside the same as the one people hear on the outside?




voice, listening, sharing, community of philosophical inquiry.


This text was written after hearing a childlike question about voice, a question asked by  Lara, a girl at a “basic” school in a rural area of the Azores islands that resulted in a diferent way of understanding the motives and intentions that are implicit in the way we practice community of philosphical inquiry with children and adults.  This question also unveiled important aspects of the way we construct ourselves as adults who believe in the importance of teaching philosophy in elementary school. This text describes an attempt to follow the trail of inquiry triggered by Lara’s question, and documents three moments or possibilities of re-questioning. These moments – which are not understood as forming an orderly sequence, but rather represent inroads into the initial question – emerge as possibilities marked by the rhythm of inquiry that followed. Those questions were: What do we hear when we talk about voice? What do we say when we talk about listening? And what do we think about when we share voices and listen actively? The text invites us to focus on voice as a concept aligned with a certain paradigmatic model of thinking commonly referred to as “philosophy,”and also invites us to consider the concept of listening as a construct that returns us to the origins of western philosophy. Finally, the text invites us to consider different ways of understanding voice and listening as based on the idea of thinking as an in-between space of sharing, focusing specifically on activities centering philosophical dialogue with children.


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Author Biography

magda costa carvalho, University of the Azores

Magda Costa Carvalho works at the University of the Azores, Portugal, and is a research member of NICA: Interdisciplinary Center for Childhood and Adolescence, University of the Azores, Portugal. She holds a Ph.D. on Henri Bergson’s Concept of Nature. Her research focuses are on the ethical dimension of P4C, as well as on environmental philosophy. She holds Levels 1 and 2 of SAPERE’s P4C training.  She coordinates a Master Course in Philosophy for Children (University of the Azores) and offers Philosophy for Children sessions in a public school.


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How to Cite

carvalho, magda costa. (2022). is the voice we hear on the inside the same as the one people hear on the outside?. Childhood & Philosophy, 18, 01–26.


