the ugliness insult at school: insurrections against capital
ugliess, insurrection, resistance, fabulation, beautyAbstract
Wondering what would happen with the control logic if the ugliness take control on school, this essay uses the fabulation as a research method to produce fables of insurrection against the Capitalism. It starts from the principle that in the contemporary context the embellishing practices have constituted themselves as a way to control the body. This way, ugliness – usually recognized as the opposite to beauty – is presented as a way to confront the regulator beauty. Methodologically, the research was accomplished in a public school in the city of Cariacica/ES. The fabulations were performed with students of the 6th and 7th grades aiming to produce stories of ugliness as a way to create life in school, facing the Capitalistic-controlling logical. On the edge, even the more controlling body flirts freely with the ugliness without any fear. Instead of hurting or panicking, the ugliness provokes an unexpected taste for life. That is why ugliness refuses the idea of world peace. Peace is manufactured to anesthetize affections, so there is no conversation between different forms of life. In its place, ugliness attracts more ugliness or, more peculiarly, produces ugliness where there were only beauties before. And the ugliness insurrects to the infinity.Downloads
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