the question of desirability: how is education a risk?


  • magda costa carvalho NICA-Universidade dos Açores/IFIL-NOVA



education, desirable, normative, risk


Looking for the normative dimension of what Gert Biesta presented in his ICPIC keynote talk took us to his 2014’s book, The beautiful risk of education. Our main ambience for thinking and questioning lies precisely on the combination between the normative dimension of Biesta’s theory and his statement of education as a risk.


A procura pela dimensão normativa daquilo que Gert Biesta apresentou na sua conferência levou-nos para o livro The beautiful risk of education, publicado pelo autor em 2014. O nosso principal ambiente de pensamento e questionamento reside precisamente na junção entre a dimensão normativa da teoria de Biesta e a sua afirmação da educação como um risco.


La búsqueda por la dimensión normativa de lo que Gert Biesta presentó en su conferencia, nos ha llevado hacia el libro The beautiful risk of education, publicado por el autor en 2014. Nuestro principal ambiente de pensamiento y cuestionamiento radica, precisamente, en la unión entre la dimensión normativa de la teoría de Biesta y su afirmación de la educación como un riesgo.

Author Biography

magda costa carvalho, NICA-Universidade dos Açores/IFIL-NOVA

Magda Costa Carvalho is the Director of NICA-UAc: the Interdisciplinary Center for Childhood and Adolescence of the University of the Azores, Portugal. At this same university, she is responsible for a Master’s Program on Philosophy for Children (b-learning). She is also a research member of IFILNOVA, New University of Lisbon.




How to Cite

carvalho, magda costa. (2017). the question of desirability: how is education a risk?. Childhood & Philosophy, 13(28), 537–546.