Assessment of energy adequacy of menus programmed for school meals




School feeding. Menu planning. Recommended dietary allowances.


Introduction: The National School Feeding Program seeks, among other goals, to meet the nutritional needs of students of different teaching modalities during their stay in the classroom. Objective: To compare the estimated values for adequacy of the Total Caloric Value (VCT) of the school feeding menus of a municipality. Methods: The six teaching modalities of the municipality were included in the study, and 12 menus were analyzed, totaling 60 days, through two tables of centesimal food composition, in order to compare the differences in the values provided by each one of them. The values found were compared with the recommendations by teaching modality and age group of Resolution CD/FNDE nº 26/2013 and categorized as "adequate", "above" or "below" the recommended values. Results: Of the days analyzed by the IBGE table, five weeks (41.7%) were with the appropriate weekly VCT average for the value recommended by the FNDE. The average of the remaining weeks was above recommended (58,3%). Already according to TACO, no weekly average fit the FNDE. Conclusion: The evaluation of the menus revealed predominantly caloric values above those recommended for school feeding. Within this, the importance of the nutritionist in school feeding stands out and, in this case, in the evaluation of the program, which requires respect for the local food culture, but also the approach of food as an educational strategy.


Author Biographies

Ricardo Cardoso dos Santos

Bacharel em Nutrição pela Universidade Federal de Sergipe (UFS).

Silvana Castro de Brito Sottero, Universidade Federal de Sergipe - UFS

Graduação em Nutrição pela Universidade Federal da Bahia (1997) e mestrado em Saúde Coletiva pela Universidade Federal da Bahia (2004). Professora Assistente do Departamento de Nutrição da Universidade Federal de Sergipe, Campus Antônio Garcia Filho



How to Cite

dos Santos, R. C., & Sottero, S. C. de B. (2020). Assessment of energy adequacy of menus programmed for school meals. DEMETRA: Food, Nutrition & Health, 15, e46927.



Food and Nutrition in Collective Health