problems, limits and possibilities of the presence of philosophy in the scholar education: matthew lipman contributions


  • leoni maria padilha henning Universidade Estadual de Londrina
  • robson carlos lopes


Filosofia e Educação. Filosofia e Infância. Matthew Lipman


This article proposes to develop a reflection on the problems, limits and possibilities of teaching philosophy, considering the relationships between philosophy and education, especially through Matthew Lipman’s perspective. To undertake this reflection, primarily, we start from some questions such as: What is philosophy? What are its characteristics? What are the requirements to make philosophical thinking occurs? We included in our discussions other additional items such as: the exam on the relation of philosophy with education; an analyses on the limits of philosophy as pedagogical activity; the indications on the approximations of philosophy to education in the present time; and, finally, a reflection, however modest, on the possible exit for the problematic, involving teaching philosophy. To accomplish these objectives, the procedure was a bibliographical research grounded primarily on the work of Lipman and also on some other authors who gave us support to the study. For concluding, before the problematic of Philosophy for Children and the language pointed on teaching context, we announced the importance to consider the possible interrelations between Lipman and Wittgenstein.


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Author Biography

leoni maria padilha henning, Universidade Estadual de Londrina

Graduada em Filosofia pela Universidade Federal do Paraná em 1974, obtendo, posteriormente, os seguintes títulos de pós-graduação: 1. Master of Education pela Universidade Estadual do Mississippi (MSU) em 1976; 2. Master of Science pela Universidade Estadual de Iowa (ISU); 3. Doutorado em Educação pela UNESP em 2003. Trabalha com as disciplinas filosóficas na graduação e na pós-graduação do Departamento de Educação da UEL, estando, especificamente, vinculada à Área de Filosofia e Educação.



How to Cite

henning, leoni maria padilha, & lopes, robson carlos. (2012). problems, limits and possibilities of the presence of philosophy in the scholar education: matthew lipman contributions. Childhood & Philosophy, 8(15), 153–177. Retrieved from


