Call for papers SOLETRAS n.34 2017.2


Call for Papers Soletras 34, Jul/Dec 2017

Dossier: Forgotten Writers of the Nineteenth Century

Editors: Leonardo Mendes (UERJ/FFP), Maximiliano Torres (UERJ-FFP) e Peggy Sharpe (Florida State University).

Submissions Deadline: September 1st 2017.


In literary history, for every successful writer there are dozens of forgotten ones. The reasons for the permanence and disappearance of an author are varied, complex and often involve extraliterary criteria. Writing and publishing good books does not make one a memorable writer. The literary canon, as Harold Bloom defines it, is shaped by the "choice of books in our educational institutions" and, as such, operates exclusions and inclusions based on camouflaged criteria of gender, race, ideology, geographic origin and social class. Writers who do not belong to the "dominant group" (Bourdieu) have little chance of success and tend to disappear, forming the legion of the forgotten or "minor" authors. For students and researchers in the field of Literary Studies, the forgotten writers of the Nineteenth Century are a rich field of investigation that shows no signs of exhaustion. Recent studies tell stories of dozens of authors missing from the historical record, revealing the picture of a more vibrant literary life than school textbooks imply. For the Dossier Forgotten Writers of the Nineteenth Century, Soletras 34 invites researchers to submit studies about writers of any nationality ignored by canonical historiography, from the so-called "long nineteenth century" (Hobsbawn), 1789 to 1914.