
  • Josely Correa Koury
  • Luciana Maria Cerqueira Castro Luciana Maria Cerqueira Castro



It is in 2019 and, as announced, we present DEMETRA: Food, Nutrition & Health with some news. We now have a deliberative editorial board composed of a faculty member from each department of UERJ’s Institute of Nutrition, who will help guide the journal's course. In our attempt to meet the exogeny criteria, the presence of associated editors by area of action, carefully chosen considering the scientific production and the expertise in the different areas of Food, Nutrition and Health, from different regions of the country, is part of our news. We are still in the process of sending invitations to foreign researchers and we believe that we will soon have a larger number of them in the Journal. The associate editors will collaborate in the management of the manuscript flow, beginning with the appointment of peer reviewers and monitoring the entire evaluation and approval process.

Besides the administrative news, we have new layout and new submission rules. We have included a new category of articles, called "Other Languages", which will receive reflective texts on topics of interest to the journal readers, in the fields of Food, Nutrition, Health, Commensality, Arts and Culture, using iconographic, poetic, literary, musical and audiovisual resources. We would like this category of article to encourage authors to dare, going through the paths of poetry, photography, videos, and other forms of art, always contextualizing with the scope of the journal.

Beginning in April 2019, DEMETRA will be published in a continuous flow, that is, all editions will remain open and after the layout of the accepted articles, they will be made available online. With this, the flow of articles will be accelerated, increasing the time of exposure of the material and reducing the waiting time of the authors, which will give greater visibility to the Journal and the works published through citations. Still as a way to increase visibility, we have created a page on Facebook and Twitter.

All the effort to update and improve the quality of the Journal is very recent; since November 2018, we have been working to make everything function as well as possible. We hope to be able to count on the collaboration of all.

We would like to thank our partners who agreed to participate in this challenge: the maintenance and growth of a vehicle of scientific dissemination at no cost to the reader and of academic quality.

DOI: 10.12957/demetra.2019.40758



How to Cite

Koury, J. C., & Castro, L. M. C. (2019). NEWS. DEMETRA: Food, Nutrition & Health, 14, e40758.

