moral education with the help of dilemma-discussions. a new methodical approach for p4c


  • klaus zierer Institute for School Education (University of Munich)


moral education, moral judgement competence, dilemma-discussions, MUT-Grund


Moral education with the help of dilemma-discussions. A new methodical approach for P4C Abstract: Moral education is an important task of school education, especially for P4C. Already in primary school the moral judgement competence can be encouraged with the help of dilemma-discussions. Thus dilemma-discussions seem to be a new methodical approach for P4C. This article contains the results of an empirical study. Abstrakt: Moralerziehung ist eine wichtige Aufgabe der Schule, insbesondere im Rahmen des Philosophierens mit Kindern. Und schon in der Grundschule kann die moralische Urteilsfähigkeit gefördert werden, wenn den Kindern geeignete Dilemmata angeboten werden. Insofern stellen Dilemma-Diskussionen einen neuen methodischen Zugang des Philosophierens mit Kindern dar. Der vorliegende Beitrag stellt eine empirische Studie zu diesem Thema vor.


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Author Biography

klaus zierer, Institute for School Education (University of Munich)

Klaus Zierer, born 1976, Dr. phil., 1996 - 2001 Diploma for Teaching at Primary Schools (University of Munich), 2003 Dr. phil. / Ph. D. (University of Munich), since 2004 primary school teacher and since 2007 member of the Institute for School Education (University of Munich) Address: Bischof-Adalbert-Straße 17, 80809 Munich, Germany Telephone: +49 89 / 379 80 550 E-Mail:




How to Cite

ZIERER, Klaus. moral education with the help of dilemma-discussions. a new methodical approach for p4c. childhood & philosophy, Rio de Janeiro, v. 4, n. 8, p. pp. 77–84, 2009. Disponível em: Acesso em: 14 feb. 2025.


