Kitchen of the Reference Center for Social Assistance as welcoming and bond-building space: an experience report of a group of women




Food and Nutrition Education. Health Promotion. Women. Emotional Bond.


Introduction: Food and Nutrition Education (FNE) practices in public services and communities are challenging for health professionals and educators, requiring experience reports to motivate and assist FNE practices in different scenarios. Objective: Report the experience of creating and developing a group of women at the Reference Center for Social Assistance (CRAS) as part of curricular activities of the Department of Nutrition at the Federal University of Campina Grande. Methods: We described 17 activities held in the first and second academic semesters of 2019 and during the academic break. Culinary workshop was used as FNE strategy. Results: Meetings were organized in three articulated moments: welcoming, culinary workshop, and conversation circles. Activities promoted exchange of experience, prioritizing an open dialogue that addressed topics beyond those related to food and nutrition. Strategies were developed to build bonds between women, students, the professor, and CRAS professionals. Conversation circles were challenging and demanded methodologies to democratize speech, listening, and self-reflection. Conclusion: Culinary workshop was a strategy that promoted nutritional and technical approach and bond formation between women and CRAS professionals and potentiated CRAS space by offering health promotion and FNE actions.



How to Cite

Araújo, R. R. de, Pereira, L. E. A., Araújo, D. B. M., Barbosa, K. M. S., Pereira, H. C. M., & Palmeira, P. de A. (2021). Kitchen of the Reference Center for Social Assistance as welcoming and bond-building space: an experience report of a group of women. DEMETRA: Food, Nutrition & Health, 16, e54732.



Food and Nutrition in Collective Health