A inclusão no ensino de geografia para alunos cegos ou com baixa visão

a legislação e a busca pelas bases teórico metodológicas


  • Vânia regina jorge da Silva Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. Faculdade de Educação da Baixada Fluminense (FEBF-UERJ).




Inclusão na educação, legislação, ensino de Geografia


This article represents the journey, albeit initially, that we at the Laboratório de Ensino Inclusivo de Geografia (LEINGEO) of the Faculdade deEducação da Baixada Fluminense (FEBF/UERJ) took from 2017 to 2021. Inclusion in school education is in line with achievements in the sense of expanding the rights of people with disabilities and other collectives previously subsumed in Brazilian society. So, our challenge and horizon is to contribute with discussions about diversity and respect for differences. Recognizing that there are specificities, we focus on discussing inclusion in education for blind students. In this way, we feel groping in this universe that has several paths to follow. We understand that we have to think about the legal situation of public policies, educational practices, the paradigm that guides our way of seeing and thinking about inclusion, the theoretical-methodological basis that allows us to think about inclusive practices for teaching geography to people with visual impairment, observe the experiences of blind students and institutions that serve them, etc. In this report of activities developed, we focus on the following questions: what do we mean by inclusion in education? How do public policies represent advances or setbacks in the search for inclusion? What do initial theoretical-methodological contributions in the field of Geography converge to think about inclusive teaching practices? Therefore, we present the first paths taken by our group and, in the end, other paths that we need to follow through readings and reflections. Finally, there are new questions and searches to be made.

Author Biography

Vânia regina jorge da Silva, Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. Faculdade de Educação da Baixada Fluminense (FEBF-UERJ).

Professora adjunta da Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. Faculdade de Educação da Baixada Fluminense (FEBF/UERJ). Coordenadora do Laboratório de Ensino Inclusivo em Geografia (LEINGEO). Coordenadora do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ensino de Geografia, Mestrado Profissional em rede - PPEG/Profgeo/UERJ. Pesquisadora vinculada ao NIESBF no grupo Pesquisa e Ensino de Geografia em áreas periféricas.

