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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The contribution is original and previously unpublished and is not currently being summited for publication in another journal; if so, this should be justified in the "comments to the editor".
  • The files are submitted in Microsoft Word or RTF format (provided they do not exceed 2 MB).
  • URLs for the references have been provided when necessary.
  • The text is in multiple spaces 1.15; uses a 12-point Calibri light font; uses italics instead of underlining (except URL addresses); has a 1.25 indent in the first line of each paragraph; figures and tables are inserted in the text, and not at the end of the document, as attachments.
  • The text follows the style standards and bibliographic requirements described in Authors Guidelines, in the section “About the journal”.
  • The name of the author(s) was/were removed from the file and from the "Properties" option in Word, guaranteeing the anonymity required by this journal in the case of submission for peer review (for example, articles), according to the guidelines available in Assuring blind peer review.
  • The article has between 5,000 and 10,000 words, including notes and bibliographic references. It must have in English, Portuguese, French or Spanish: (i) a title; (ii) three keywords; and (iii) a summary of up to 300 words.
  • I have fulfilled the minimum degree required to publish in Revista Neiba, Cadernos Argentina-Brasil. (In cases of co-authorship, at least the first author must be at least a Masters student).
  • I have used the cover page template provided by Revista Neiba, Cadernos Argentina-Brasil in the guidelines for authors and I have attached it separately from the article in Additional Documents at the submission.

Author Guidelines


Revista Neiba, Cadernos Argentina-Brasil accepts unpublished academic articles oriented to the study and analysis of International Relations. Articles can be submitted in Portuguese, Spanish, French or English.

All articles will be submitted for a double blind peer review and any suggestions and/or comments, including a new ordering or formulation of the text, will be previously discussed and approved by the author. The feedback of the first phase of analysis is normally provided within 150 days from the date of submission. Authors will have a deadline established by the journal to correct and resend (by email) the modified versions of the articles.

Authors and Co-authors must fill the registration form at the Publications Portal when submitting articles/Reviews/Special contributions, informing the academic degree and the available on line resume link (Ex.: Lattes).

Authors and reviewers should send the following information on a separate cover sheet of the article (as it is in the downloadable template):

  • Name as you want it to be published in the journal,
  • Institutional affiliation,
  • Institution City,
  • Institution State,
  • Country of the Higher Education Institution to which you belong,
  • Email to be published in the journal
  • ORCID (mandatory)

The minimum requirement to publish articles in Revista Neiba, Cadernos Argentina-Brasil, is a Master's degree in progress. In cases of co-authorship, at least the first author must fully meet this criterion.

It is a minimum requirement to submit reviews, to be a master’s student.

The editors reserve the right to reject, before the review, manuscripts that do not fit the journal policies, as in case of inadequacy to the policy and/or editorial scope of Revista Neiba, Cadernos Argentina-Brasil, inappropriate or imprecise analytical development, inconsistent format or non-compliance with guidelines for authors and poor writing style (this list is not exhaustive).

The length of the articles must be between 3,000 and 7,000 words, notes, and bibliographic references included. If there are tables or graphs, the titles, sources, and captions must come just below them. They must also contain the following items in English and in Portuguese, French or Spanish: (i) title; (ii) three keywords; (iii) a summary of up to 150 words.

Reviews should focus on books published in the past two years. They should be no longer than 1,000 words, nor should they contain a title, notes and bibliography. In the beginning, the complete bibliographic reference of the reviewed work must be included, including the ISSN, and 3 keywords in Portuguese or Spanish, French, and English.

Articles and reviews must be submitted in accordance with the model provided by Revista Neiba, Cadernos Argentina-Brasil. Word, Calibri light font, size 12, multiple spacing 1.5 cm. Margins: top 3.5, left 2.5, bottom 2, right 2. Citations with more than three lines should be detached from the text, composing a paragraph with 4 cm indentation (without first-line indentation), font Calibri light, size 10, single-spaced. Indirect citations must appear in the text (Last name, year and page).

Footnotes must be of a substantive nature, intended only for additional clarification to the text, must be in Calibri Light font, Size 9, single spaced.

The sources and bibliographic references will be listed in alphabetical order, at the end of the text; bearing in mind that bibliographic references should only contain bibliography cited throughout the text.

Quoted text:

Keep the original punctuation and spelling. If the quoted text contains obvious errors, insert [sic]. Short quotes: enclose in single quotes, with double quotes in single quotes, when necessary. Use single quotes to mark a quote within the quote. If the quote does not start with a capital letter, insert it in angle brackets, e.g.:

[It] is a long quote of more than 40 words inserted in a work and, therefore, presented as an indented paragraph. This is more content in the long quote of more than 40 words. 'This is a quote within the long quote, enclosed in single quotes', according to the rule suggested above (Smith, 2013, p.34). 

 Note: Do not use op cit, loc cit, ibid or supra. Repeat the author's name and date to repeat references.  

Revista Neiba, Cadernos Argentina-Brasil uses the Harvard reference system (author/date). In this system, the author's surname, year of publication (and sometimes page numbers) are cited in the text, and a complete bibliographic summary of the reference is provided in a reference list at the end of the manuscript. A basic example below: 

Direct citation:

If the author's name is a natural part of your sentence, the surname must be followed by the year of publication (in parentheses), e.g.:

  •  According to Rafael Villa (2004), the acceptance of the idea of democracy as a universal value contributed to Brazilian diplomacy establishing a consensus around the link between democracy, regional integration and development perspectives.

 Indirect citation:

If you do not mention the name of the author in your text, you must put the name of the author and the year of publication in parentheses at the end of the sentence, e.g.: 

  • The sector added a loss of more than $ 4 billion reais in foreign exchange deals in 2011 (Pitta, 2013).
  • Prussia functioned at the time as the paymaster and played a fundamental institutional and political role as coordinator of the deepening of the integration process (Mattli, 1999, p. 123).

Two or three authors, direct and indirect citation:

All authors (with publication date) must be mentioned within their text, e.g.:

  • As Wilde and Zurn (2012) point out, this German attitude confirms analyzes such as those of Hobolt (2012) and Ecker-Ehrhardt and Wessels (2011), who study the correlation between the assessment that European citizens make about the EU and their own national government.
  • In 2008, Cosan joined Shell to form the Raízen company, which stimulated the concentration of ethanol production by the oil sector (Xavier, Pitta, and Mendonça, 2011).

 Several authors:

When there are more than three authors, provide only the name of the first author, followed by the Latin term et al. (and all) in italics and the year of publication in parentheses, e.g.: 

  • According to Tullo Vigevani et al. (2008), Brazil's position in relation to different themes must be seen in the light of factors constituting foreign policy, rooted in Brazilian society and state: autonomy and universalism.
  • In their view, the bloc would act as a reinforcement for the international insertion of Brazil, without the proper constraints of a common market or supranational traits (Vigevani et al., 2008). 

Several works by a single author (same year):

When the same author has published more than one document cited in the same year, use lower case letters to differentiate each document, both in direct and indirect citations and in the references., e.g.: 

  • Almeida, F. R. de F. (2001a) Do grão ao pão. O trigo nas relações entre o Brasil e a Argentina. Master’s thesis, Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro.
  • Almeida, F. R. de F. (2001b) ‘Aspectos econômicos e ecológicos dos transgênicos’, Revista CADE, ano III, n.4, Rio de Janeiro, Faculdade Moraes Junior, jul/dez. 

Page numbers:

If you are directly citing or using ideas from a specific page or pages from a work, you must also include the page number(s) in your citation. Use the abbreviation p. or pp. (for multiple pages) before the page number(s), e.g.: 

  • Prussia functioned at the time as the paymaster and played a fundamental institutional and political role as coordinator of the deepening of the integration process (Mattli, 1999, p.123).
  • According to Silva (2011, pp.157-158), “for Colombians, in addition to Tabatinga, where there is a significant presence of them, another route of entry is Venezuela, via Boa Vista (RR), as is the case with the refugees”. 

Citing secondary sources:

If you have read about the work of a particular author, but have not been able to see the actual work (the main source) directly, you will need to acknowledge it. This is known as a secondary reference. Use the phrase “cited in” and provide the page number on which the source cites this information, e.g.: 

  • According to Garcia, “We do not want the country to be an island of prosperity in the midst of a world of wretched people. Yes, we should help them. This is a pragmatic view ”(cited by Dieguez, 2009). 


Mandatory Elements (printed books)

  • Author: Last name using upper and lower case letters, followed by a comma;
  • Initials of the surname capitalized with a period after each one;
  • Year of publication (not printing or printing) in parentheses;
  • Full title in italics. Only the first word and proper names should be capitalized. Follow with a full stop (unless there is a caption);
  • Subtitle: There is a colon at the end of the full title. Only proper names should be written in capital letters. Followed by a period;
  • Edition: include only if it is not the first edition. Use the number followed by "ed". For example,4th ed.;
  • Place of publication: Indicate the city or the city and country, if there is possible confusion with the United Kingdom. Followed by a colon;
  • Publisher: publisher name followed by a period. 


  • Ribeiro, M. C. M. (2010) Globalização e Novos Atores: a paradiplomacia das cidades brasileiras. Salvador: Editora da UFBA. 

Chapter of a published book:

  • Fonseca Jr, G. (1999) ‘Anotações sobre as condições do sistema internacional no limiar do século XIX: a distribuição dos polos de poder e a inserção internacional do Brasil’. In G. Dupas E T. Vigevani (eds.), O Brasil e as novas dimensões da segurança internacional. São Paulo: Alfa-Ômega/Fapesp, pp.17-42. 

Journal articles:

Mandatory elements (printed journal articles)

Author(s), initials. (Year of publication) ‘Title of the article in single quotation marks’, Full title of the journal in italics, Volume number (edition/number in brackets), Page numbers, e.g.: 

  • Haass, R. N. (2008). ‘The Age of Nonpolarity: What Will Follow U.S. Dominance?’, Foreign Affairs, 87(3), pp.44-56. 

Online journal articles:

The same format as the previous item, plus the full URL where the article was accessed from and the date of the access, with the abbreviated month. 

  • Dantas, A. T. (2013) ‘Comércio Externo do Brasil: o papel da América Latina e Caribe’, Mural Internacional, 4(2), pp. 48-54, [Online]. Available at: [Accessed on: 28 Jul. 2014] 

Newspaper articles:

Mandatory elements (newspaper articles)

Author (if there is no author, use the newspaper's title in italics). (Year of publication) ‘Title of the article in single quotation marks’, Title of the newspaper in italics, date, Page reference, e.g.: 

  • Celestino, H. (2014). ‘Sedução, a falta que ela faz’. O Globo, 05 October, p. 55.
  • Folha de São Paulo (2013). ‘América do Sul perde fatia nos investimentos externos do Brasil’, 03 August, Caderno Mercado 2, p.5. 

Online sources :

Mandatory elements (websites)

Author/Organization (Year) website/page that was published or the last updated title of the Web/Internet page (if not already provided) in italics. Available at: URL [Accessed on XX Month Year], ex.: 

  • Almeida, P. R. (2005). A ONU e a questão da assimetria de poder. Available at: [Accessed on 02 December 2014)
  •  European Commission (2014). Comunicado no final do encontro do Presidente da Comissão Europeia, José Manuel Durão Barroso, com a Presidente do Brasil, Dilma Rousseff, 18 of July. Available at: [Accessed on: 04 December 2018] 

Other academic publications

Mandatory elements (Theses/dissertations/monographs)

Name, author's initials. (Year of defense) Title. Degree (Ph.D. etc.). Educational institution.

  • Pitta, F. T. (2011). Modernização Retardatária e agroindústria sucroalcooleira paulista: o Proálcool como reprodução fictícia do capital em crise. Master's Thesis, Human Geography/Universidade de São Paulo.


Revista Neiba, Cadernos Argentina Brasil publish original academic articles on International Relations themes. Articles can be submitted in Portuguese, Spanish, French or English. All articles will be summited to a double blind peer review by experts in the subject in question. Such a process guarantees the anonymity of both the authors and the referees. Any suggestions and/or comments, including a new ordering of the text, will be previously discussed and approved by the author.


Revista Neiba, Cadernos Argentina Brasil accepts proposals for thematic dossiers on specific issues of current International Relations that call for the publication of unpublished academic articles on the subject in question. Such dossiers are developed in a cooperative partnerships with national and international research groups and institutions. We invite all the interested to submit thematic dossier proposals through the journal's communication channels. Articles can be submitted in Portuguese, French, English, and Spanish, and everyone will be subjected to the double blind peer review, any suggestions and/or comments, including a new ordering of the text, will be previously discussed and approved by the authors.


Revista Neiba, Cadernos Argentina Brasil accepts the publication of book reviews with an edition of up to two years old, the theme of the books should be focused on the International Relations studies object in a broad sense. They are evaluated by the editorial team. It is not necessary to have the consent of the author (s) of the books reviewed.


Os populismos no século XXI
O século XXI será o século do populismo, segundo alguns autores. Fenômeno celebrado por alguns e demonizado por outros, de difícil precisão conceitual, o populismo suscita infindáveis debates acerca de sua “essência” - estratégia política? instrumento de mobilização? ideologia? ethos democrático? discurso? simples estilo de comunicação? - , de suas causas e, sobretudo, de suas consequências para os sistemas democráticos. Ao longo do tempo, múltiplas abordagens teóricas e tipologias foram elaboradas, principalmente através de estudos de caso. Como resultado dessa falta de delimitação clara do populismo enquanto conceito e fenômeno, constata-se a existência de um impasse teórico com profundas implicações políticas. Entretanto, independente da abordagem interpretativa ou normativa a ser utilizada, o populismo deve ser entendido como uma espécie de resposta aos problemas contemporâneos, particularmente em razão da sua alta capacidade de penetração em diversas áreas e temáticas: partidos políticos, movimentos sociais, nacionalismo, fascismo, política externa, identidades, gênero, religião, mídia e migrações. Sendo assim, o objetivo deste dossiê é oferecer aos nossos leitores, a partir de uma perspectiva pluridisciplinar, uma atualização das reflexões acerca do populismo no século XXI - denominado, por alguns autores, de neopopulismo a fim de diferenciá-lo do populismo "clássico”.

Populisms in the 21st century
The 21st century will be the century of populism, according to some authors. A phenomenon celebrated by some and demonized by others, of difficult conceptual precision, does populism raise endless debates about its “essence” - political strategy? mobilization instrument? ideology? democratic ethos? speech? simple communication style? - , its causes and, above all, its consequences for democratic systems. Over time, multiple theoretical approaches and typologies were developed, mainly through case studies. As a result of this lack of clear delimitation of populism as a concept and phenomenon, there is a theoretical impasse with profound political implications. However, regardless of the interpretative or normative approach to be used, populism must be understood as a kind of response to contemporary problems, particularly due to its high penetration capacity in various areas and themes: political parties, social movements, nationalism, fascism , foreign policy, identities, gender, religion, media and migrations. Therefore, the objective of this dossier is to offer our readers, from a multidisciplinary perspective, an update on the reflections on populism in the 21st century - called, by some authors, neopopulism in order to differentiate it from "classic" populism.

A Revista Neiba, Cadernos Argentina Brasil abre a chamada para o envio de artigos inéditos para compor o dossiê "Os populismos no século XXI" organizado por Hugo R. Suppo (PPGRI-UERJ), Gerardo Aboy Carlés (CONICET/ Escuela IDAES-Universidad Nacional de San Martín (UNSAM) e Carlos F. Domínguez Avila (Pesquisador colaborador da Universidade de Brasília e Doutor em História).
O prazo para a recepção de artigos vai até 31 de maio de 2022. Os/as interessados/as deverão enviar os artigos inéditos pelo portal da revista seguindo as diretrizes para autores/as. Se logar na página e submeter o artigo na categoria "Dossiê Os populismos no século XXI".
A previsão da publicação do dossiê é para outubro de 2022.

Populisms in the 21st century
Revista Neiba, Cadernos Argentina Brasil call for interested parties to submit unpublished articles to compose the Special Issue Populisms in the 21st century organized by Hugo R. Suppo (PPGRI-UERJ), Gerardo Aboy Carlés (CONICET/ Escuela IDAES-Universidad Nacional de San Martín (UNSAM) and Carlos F. Domínguez Avila (Pesquisador colaborador da Universidade de Brasília e Doutor em História).
Call for papers Populisms in the 21st century
Important dates: The papers reception period is untill 31th of may of 2022. The authors would send the unpublished articles on line in Revista Neiba, Cadernos Argentina Brasil oficial web site, following the authors guidelines. Log in with your user information and sumbit the paper in the "Dossiê Os populismos no século XXI" section.
The publication of the Special Issue will be in october 2022.

Privacy Statement

The names and addresses provided in this journal are for the purposes of this publication only and are not provided for any other purpose or for third parties.