Taste and faith: sacred food in Batuque and anti-racist education





Food, Sacret, Batuque, Anti-racist education


This study deals with religious food in Batuque. It is believed that Brazilian society still lacks understanding about the different forms of appropriation of food beyond the act of nourishing oneself. Through the analysis of the sacred condition of the cuisine developed in the terreiras of the Serra Gaúcha region, the study identifies the particularities of the gastronomy developed in these spaces of faith and its importance in the anti-racist struggle. The methodology of oral history is used for the knowledge of the ways of preparing the dishes offered to the Orixás and their meanings for their practitioners. The result of the study is a recipe booklet, entitled O Sabor do Saber (The Taste of Knowledge), which presents some ways of making these delicacies and their mythical meanings. The construction of this material took place through shared authority with the religious masters who hold the knowledge about this cuisine, both in access to the instructions for execution and in the supervision of the ways of preparation.

Author Biographies

Cristine Fortes Lia, Caxias do Sul University

Professor at the Caxias do Sul University. Ph.D in History at the Pontifical Catolical University of Rio Grande do Sul; MA in History at the Vale do Rio dos Sinos University; graduated in History at the Luteran University of Brazil.


Matheus Troglio, Centro Universitário UNIFTEC / Serviço Nacional de Aprendizagem Comercial do Rio Grande do Sul

Gastronomy Professor at Centro Universitário UNIFTEC, Caxias do Sul; and at Serviço Nacional de Aprendizagem Comercial do Rio Grande do Sul (SENAC/RS). MA in History at the Caxias do Sul University; graduated in Gastronomy at the Caxias do Sul University.


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How to Cite

Fortes Lia, C., & Troglio, M. (2023). Taste and faith: sacred food in Batuque and anti-racist education. Revista Maracanan, (34), 64–85. https://doi.org/10.12957/revmar.2023.78259