The menus of the banquets of the Portuguese Gastronomic Society (January 16th, 1933 – August 17th, 1935): an analysis proposal




Gastronomy, Menu, Portuguese Cuisine, French Cuisine, António Bello


The object of research presented in this paper is a set of menus for ceremonial meals offered by the Portuguese Gastronomic Society between January 1933 and August 1935 and reproduced in the prologue of the book Culinária portuguesa (1936). Using the theoretical approach proposed by Claude Fischler, based on the analogy between culinary system and language, we observed the elements with which these menus were composed, that is, their ingredients, food preparations and nomenclature, and the way they were structured. Particular attention was paid to the Portuguese cuisine/foreign cuisine dichotomy, analyzed in the gastronomic context of the time and in comparison with what was observed in other contemporary and earlier menu sets.

Author Biography

Patricia de Gomensoro, University of Coimbra

PhD student in Food Heritage: Cultures and Identities, at the University of Coimbra. MA in Social Anthropology at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul; graduated in Social Communication at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro.



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How to Cite

de Gomensoro, P. (2023). The menus of the banquets of the Portuguese Gastronomic Society (January 16th, 1933 – August 17th, 1935): an analysis proposal. Revista Maracanan, (34), 24–39.