The UERJ Mathematics Education Group and their contributions to the community work


  • Gabriela Felix Brião Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro
  • Flávia Streva Nunes Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro
  • Daniela Mendes Vieira da Silva Universidade Federal Fluminense
  • Rebeca Lugão de Lima Domingues Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro
  • Carolina Azevedo França do Nascimento



Collaborative community. Games. Teacher Education. CAp-UERJ.


DOI: 10.12957/interag.2016.15925

This report aims to publicize research and community projects of the UERJ Mathematics Education group (GEMat-UERJ), founded and registered at CNPq in 2013. This UERJ group of teachers and undergraduate students of mathematics have come together around the need to strengthen ties between academic research and basic education. Through a dialogic process, university preservice teachers are connected to the CAp-UERJ School. Thus, we have developed several fronts, some of which focused on community work, notably those in the line of research of Playful Mathematic from GEMat-UERj, as described in more detail in this text. The collaborative group offers weekly Seminars on Mathematics Education, which are open and free. It also has a community service project registered with the DEPEXT (UERJ’s department for community projects), besides having a teaching laboratory project that focuses on the education of preservice and experienced math teachers. We have a strong commitment to the implementation of ideas that bring to students a more meaningful and critical learning of mathematics. To this end, we work with every side involved in the teaching-learning process: the teacher, students and the content to be explored. GEMat’s priority is action and research, supporting teacher-researchers who dedicate to the mathematics of their students – that which the student can produce at the specific moment. Also, GEMat researches and reflects on its own practice.

Author Biography

Gabriela Felix Brião, Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro

Professora Assistente da UERJ desde 2006. Doutoranda da UNESP/Rio Claro.



How to Cite

Brião, G. F., Nunes, F. S., Silva, D. M. V. da, Domingues, R. L. de L., & Nascimento, C. A. F. do. (2016). The UERJ Mathematics Education Group and their contributions to the community work. Interagir: Pensando a extensão, (21), 145–154.

