PINBA: the Construction of a Program for Baixada Fluminense


  • Icléa Lages Melo FEBF/UERJ



Baixada Fluminense, history, educational politcs.


DOI: 10.12957/interag.2016.15904

This is the report of an experiment of the Integrated Program of Research and Technical Cooperation in Baixada Fluminense (PINBA). The Program develops community activities supported by studies and research on politics, education and culture, having the socio-cultural and political structure of the region as background, as well as the research and preservation of its memory and history. This program integrates different projects of research, community work and complementary internship, whose focus is on Baixada Fluminense, and which articulate teaching, research and community work. The FEBF/UERJ, located in this region, has been holding permanent dialogue with society, seeking to stimulate cultural creation, to promote and publicize not only the Institution but especially the knowledge that is produced in Baixada Fluminense. Events such as the “FEBF na Praça”, “Baixada na FEBF", the celebration of “Baixada Day " and guided tours to historic sites (in partnership with organizations which research and promote the region) represent and constitute a methodology that articulates the local and the global. In order to integrate the database about the region, a CD (ISSN 2358-1328) was produced in 2014. A second volume CD is already being produced and it will be completed after the next event in May 2015, featuring new creations. It meets one of the purposes of higher education: to publicize knowledge that constitutes heritage and to communicate the knowledge of teaching publications or other means of communication.

Author Biography

Icléa Lages Melo, FEBF/UERJ

Professora Assistente da Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. Unidade Faculdade de Educação da Baixada Fluminense (graduação e especialização). Sub-chefe do Departamento de Gestão de Sistemas Educacionais. Coordenadora do Colegiado do Programa Integrado de Pesquisa e Cooperação Técnica na Baixada Fluminense.



How to Cite

Melo, I. L. (2016). PINBA: the Construction of a Program for Baixada Fluminense. Interagir: Pensando a extensão, (21), 134–144.

