Human tooth bank: ethics in the service of teaching and research – the experience of UERJ School of Dentistry


  • Leonardo Navega Louzada UERJ
  • Roberta Costa Jorge UERJ
  • Kelly dos Santos Silva UERJ
  • Rafael dos Santos Lemos Pacífico UERJ
  • Felipe Fernandes de Paula Dantas UERJ
  • Stephanie Evellyn Antunes Novaes UERJ
  • Izabel Monteiro D’Hyppolito UERJ
  • Luana da Silva Viana UERJ
  • Byanca Ramos de O. Correia UERJ
  • Beatriz Farias do Nascimento UERJ
  • Gabriela C. Andrade Americano UERJ
  • Vera Mendes Soviero UERJ



Human teeth, Education, Ethics.


DOI: 10.12957/interag.2015.21857

Human teeth are routinely used in dental education and in relevant research in the field of dentistry. With the support of a tooth bank, educational activities and scientific experiments that depend on natural human teeth are carried out following the ethical guidelines regarding the use of human biological material. Besides, illegal acquisition of human teeth is discouraged. The aim of the present paper is to review ethical and legal aspects of the utilization of natural human teeth in dental education and research and to report the experience of the Tooth Bank Project at the School of Dentistry at the University of the State of Rio de Janeiro, which was set up as a community project. A group of undergraduate students who are linked to the Tutorial Educational Program (TEP) has participated in the implementation and routine of the tooth bank under the guidance of the tutor. The Tooth Bank reinforces the inseparable triad of education-research-community and has played an important role both in ethics education in dentistry and in supporting dental education, research and community activities.

How to Cite

LOUZADA, Leonardo Navega et al. Human tooth bank: ethics in the service of teaching and research – the experience of UERJ School of Dentistry. Interagir: pensando a extensão, Rio de Janeiro, n. 20, p. 67–79, 2016. DOI: 10.12957/interag.2015.21857. Disponível em: Acesso em: 20 sep. 2024.




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