nomen omen. a pedagogic narrative about a community of inquiry in teacher´s training context




philosophy, community of inquiry, teacher´s training


This paper recounts the experience of a community of inquiry in a Philosophy with Children´s workshop directed at teacher training students. The workshop experience is documented in the form of pedagogical narrative, a practice-training-research strategy that seeks to make school practice visible from the teacher´s point of view. Our narrative documents the experience of the workshop in the students’ voices. Between August and October 2018, each session was audio-recorded and transcribed. The critical issue of the narrative analyzed here is the question of names; the discussion shows how the name not only constitutes a fundamental issue for identity definition, but also problematizes identity. The students’ experience of naming and being named opens questions about the teacher’s role in the classroom context, and problematizes the concept of the human subject in current pedagogical discourse, particularly in its opposition to the concept of community of inquiry in current philosophy of education  discourse.

Author Biography

gonzalo santiago rodriguez, national university of whose secretariat for international and postgraduate research

Specialist in Philosophy with Children and Young People (UNCUYO) Diploma in Social Sciences with a Mention in Curriculum and School Practices in Context (FLACSO) Professor of University Degree in Philosophy (UNCUYO). I have worked as a teacher of secondary and tertiary education in various schools and teacher training institutes belonging to the General Directorate of Schools (Mendoza Province, Argentina). I have also served as Assistant Professor in the Degree in Educational Management and Supervision and in the Degree in Educational Sciences of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of the Argentine Catholic University (2015-2017). During 2016, I entered the Faculty of Education belonging to the National University of Cuyo by open competition, where I have served as Head of Practical Works and Adjunct Professor in the spaces of Philosophical Anthropology and Ethical and Citizen Training. I have given courses and directed extension and research projects related to the theme of Philosophy for and with Children. I am a fellow and researcher of the Secretariat for Research, International and Postgraduate Studies (SIIP) belonging to the National University of Cuyo and a fellow of the National Interuniversity Council (CIN-Argentina). I have published and participated in different academic events where I have presented works related to the subject of Modern Philosophy, Contemporary Philosophy, Philosophy for and with Children and Philosophy of Education. I have done a training and research stay at the Goethe Institut Bonn (2011) and at the Institute for the Advancement of Philosophy for Children (IAPC) under the direction of Dr. David Kennedy (2018) the latter with funding from the Secretariat of Research, International and Postgraduate (UNCUYO). Currently my work is oriented to the study of the concept of community, in particular from the proposals of Roberto Esposito, as well as the various pedagogical proposals aimed at recovering community learning strategies such as the community of inquiry.


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How to Cite

rodriguez, gonzalo santiago. (2021). nomen omen. a pedagogic narrative about a community of inquiry in teacher´s training context. Childhood & Philosophy, 17, 01–24.



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