education on the back of philosophy


  • théodoropoulou hélèna


In the Greek educational mechanism, the teaching of philosophy remains marginalized. On the other hand, a whole range of educational programs (for example, those of environmental education, education for democracy, e.t.c.) seem to be imbued with philosophical elements, even if the contribution of philosophy there is indirect and in fact supplementary and supporting. In the same time, the philosophy of the educational system itself is also imbued with “philosophical” values in the style of the new common European values. A real integration of philosophical practices in Greek school, an integration also of Philosophy for Children, involves necessarily a whole new design of the integration of philosophy itself (in its different aspects) in the Greek educational system (through its different grades as seen in their interrelation). This design ought to be based on a new systematic conception of philosophy, especially against the new pressures exerted by education. Key words: philosophical practices; theory-practice; Greek educational system


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How to Cite

hélèna, théodoropoulou. (2010). education on the back of philosophy. Childhood & Philosophy, 3(5), pp. 123–145. Retrieved from


