Proposal for reuse of water for the pre-preparation of fruit and vegetables and the sanitization of dishes and flatware in a university restaurant in the state of Rio de Janeiro


  • Natália Barabani Leal Gomes Universidade Federal Fluminense
  • Maristela Soares Lourenço Universidade Federal Fluminense
  • Lúcia Rosa de Carvalho Universidade Federal Fluminense
  • Leandro Vahia Pontual Universidade Federal Fluminense
  • Juliana Vieira de Castro Mello Universidade Federal Fluminense
  • Marina Rodriguez Cavalcanti Universidade Federal Fluminense



nvironmental Administration. Wastewater Use. Water Consumption. Quality Management.


Objective: The aim of the present study was to propose the reuse of water in a university restaurant in the state of Rio de Janeiro, as well as measures to reduce consumption. Methods: A form was applied to quantify water consumption during the pre-preparation of fresh produce and the sanitization of dishes and flatware, within a period of 9 and 13 days, respectively. Later, the volume of potable water used daily was estimated in liters. Results: The estimated volume of water used per day was 2.400 liters for pre-preparation of fresh produce and 478 liters of water per day for sanitization of dishes and flatware. Thus, a total volume of 2.878 liters of water per day for non-potable reuse was estimated, such as, for example, for the sanitization of the dining hall floor of the restaurant. In addition, the quantification of water points for possible installation of faucet aerators was made aiming to reduce consumption. Next, a project of the storage container for the reuse of water was developed. Conclusion: It may be concluded that the importance of the proposal is related to the significant quantity of daily wasted water that could be reused and thus, contribute to environmental preservation and decrease the water expenses of the university restaurant.


Author Biographies

Natália Barabani Leal Gomes, Universidade Federal Fluminense

Discente da Faculdade de Nutrição Emília de Jesus Ferreiro da Universidade Federal Fluminense

Maristela Soares Lourenço, Universidade Federal Fluminense

Docente do Departamento de Nutrição Social da Faculdade de Nutrição Emília de Jesus Ferreiro da Universidade Federal Fluminense

Lúcia Rosa de Carvalho, Universidade Federal Fluminense

Docente do Departamento de Nutrição Social da Faculdade de Nutrição Emília de Jesus Ferreiro da Universidade Federal Fluminense

Leandro Vahia Pontual, Universidade Federal Fluminense

Doutorando em Engenharia Civil - Escola de Engenharia  da Universidade Federal Fluminense

Juliana Vieira de Castro Mello, Universidade Federal Fluminense

Discente da Faculdade de Nutrição Emília de Jesus Ferreiro da Universidade Federal Fluminense

Marina Rodriguez Cavalcanti, Universidade Federal Fluminense

Discente da Faculdade de Nutrição Emília de Jesus Ferreiro da Universidade Federal Fluminense



How to Cite

Gomes, N. B. L., Lourenço, M. S., Carvalho, L. R. de, Pontual, L. V., Mello, J. V. de C., & Cavalcanti, M. R. (2020). Proposal for reuse of water for the pre-preparation of fruit and vegetables and the sanitization of dishes and flatware in a university restaurant in the state of Rio de Janeiro. DEMETRA: Food, Nutrition & Health, 15, e37978.



Food for Collectives