the childhood of teaching and learning: inventing with and as a child the art of being a teacher




invention, childhood, teacher, philosophy


this article seeks to approach the challenge of inventing oneself as a teacher through the eyes of childhood—a human dimension characterized by intensity, full of possibilities, connecting the movement of invention to the challenges encountered in day-to-day learning and teaching in school spaces. From that encounter with childhood, it is possible to create new perspectives and clues that can contribute to the development of eyes capable of seeing, "unraveling", "overturning" the world--in other words, seeing the world from several angles not yet explored, with new childlike lenses. This approach is potent enough potent to bring to life educational activities that provoke the teacher, in the complex art of building or inventing themselves, and developing the capacity to preserve the creativity of children of all ages. This perspective enables the act of thinking to be experienced in infinite and unimaginable ways, not only enriching but also transforming the practices and knowledge that inhabit the time of searching—the time of becoming teacher, becoming learner, becoming school. This paper does not seek to provide answers to the challenges and concerns presented, but, it is intended to be a careful exercise of looking at the issues that directly or indirectly affect the journey of all who venture out and challenge themselves to build educational experiences committed to the transformation and creation of other ways of relating to childhood, with children, with school, in short, with the very invention of the self, as an art of traversing the paths along which one becomes an educatorinvention, childhood, teacher, philosophy


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How to Cite

cunha, mauro britto, & paiva, jair miranda de. (2020). the childhood of teaching and learning: inventing with and as a child the art of being a teacher. Childhood & Philosophy, 16(36), 01–21.


