starting from childhood, or the arché of thought




childhood, time, story, start


Starting from the birthplace of childhood, this text elucidates, using Giorgio Agamben (2005), Heraclitus (fragment B52), and Paulo Freire (1982, 1986, 2001, 2015), the coexistence of childhood and time. These authors contribute to the idea that childhood, be it chronological or not, is an inspiration without which it is impossible for us to be inventive in relation to history, philosophy, and education. It thus bases itself upon the hypothesis that childhood and time are conceptually indefinable and dilutive of the idea of stability, which escapes the understanding of continuity, since it is not an absolute event. Thus, this text in based on the reading of childhood as a fundamental condition of the existence of human history, which makes possible the movement from language to thought. To think about the understanding of childhood that is at issue in this text, we consider a certain experience of time different from the traditional one, the result of an understanding conceived as chronology and completion, which is present in various readings of childhood. Upon raising these considerations, several questions arise: is there something like a childhood of thought? Can childhood offer a way of not giving up to a new concept of a childlike experience of time?


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How to Cite

silva, carla patrícia. (2019). starting from childhood, or the arché of thought. Childhood & Philosophy, 15, 01–28.




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