metaphors of the teaching of philosophy
Metaphor, Philosophy TeachingAbstract
In order to theorize about the nature and scope of the philosophical reflection, philosophers have used a wide array of metaphors and analogies, from Plato's cave to Wittgenstein “family resemblances”. This paper reviews some of those metaphors and discusses what they show about the nature of philosophy, and most important, about the teaching of philosophy. It is not enough to be in favour of the presence of philosophical dialogue or to demand a specific philosophical subject matter in the curriculum of formal or compulsory schooling. We need to offer a more precise description of the kind of philosophical learning we are proposing, and which educational goals we think that students can achieve if they are exposed to philosophical reflection all along their school life. Philosophical metaphors can help us to present the style of philosophical dialogue we want to implement in our class rooms in order to philosophy empower children in such a way the can think for themselves in a critical, creative and cooperative way.Downloads
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How to Cite
MORIYON, Felix garcia. metaphors of the teaching of philosophy. childhood & philosophy, Rio de Janeiro, v. 9, n. 18, p. 345–361, 2014. Disponível em: Acesso em: 15 feb. 2025.