sexual diversity at school: a theme confronting silence


  • mariane inês ohlweiler
  • zulmira newlands borges


Based on gender studies and on post-structuralism, the purpose of this article is to analyze the power relations concerning sexual diversity present in the school space. The analyzed data emerged from discussion groups of teachers of basic and fundamental schools in the city of Porto Alegre. The educators were participating or had participated in the course Educando para a Diversidade promoted by NUANCES (Group for Free Sexual Expression) included in the Brasil sem Homofobia program (from the National Department of Health, supported by the National Department of Education) established as a public policy and employed by the Government as a “strategy to mobilization and social and educational inclusion”. From the analysis of teacher discourse it tries to scrutinize in which ways the subject of sexual diversity has been approached in certain school institutions.


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How to Cite

OHLWEILER, Mariane inês; NEWLANDS BORGES, Zulmira. sexual diversity at school: a theme confronting silence. childhood & philosophy, Rio de Janeiro, v. 7, n. 14, p. 319–339, 2011. Disponível em: Acesso em: 19 feb. 2025.



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