resistance and creation in teaching and learning practices, for an open education
Resistência, Ensino-aprendizagem, Criação, Educação AbertaAbstract
Our goal is to think the emergence of creative processes of opening taking place in the teaching and learning and put in question the vertical and traditional forms of education. Our methodological approach seeks to articulate in a conceptual field the problem of creation with the processes of teaching and learning in the philosophies of Michel Foucault, Henri Bergson and Gilles Deleuze. We start, therefore, the design of these dominant educational practices which majority goal is to produce individuals there are responsive to content and issues previously defined by the centralized curriculum system of the State, that can be understood as a form of closed education. Such education has the general assumption to insert childish individuals in the worldwide "standard" of social life from the transmission of values, directions, information and knowledge, which are treated as required standards to tying naturalization and ways of life of these subjects. However, if the socialization process in Western societies understand their task in the subjection of individuals to all the rules and regulations imposed, and among the various devices that are used around the state education corresponds to that of greater reach and effectiveness, the procedures episodic social transformation and national progress enables us to understand the other hand, the functioning of a trend contrary to that sense conservative and adaptive educational practices. From this, the teaching-learning relationship can be thought otherwise than merely in their traditional upright. To these experiments in which the boundaries between the teacher and students positions lose their well-defined borders and the lack of normative content meaning and value in the face of specific situations, and in which knowledge is constituted in a relation of co-production where everyone become both producers and consumers of knowledge created, we intend to call as creative processes of opening or becoming. What the becoming or the opening offer is the creation of a world or a way of understanding the world outside of the pattern model of subjectivity, establishing a certain experience itself building itself and the meanings they ascribe to the world around us. We can understand these experiences as a kind of open resistance against the dominant practices that traditionally operate in schools generally and at the same time, inspire the possibility of thinking about new educational practices in the processing and creation that enable the experiences of each other and are committed to the production of new ways of valuing, thinking, feeling and acting. Finally, we are going to in the direction of thinking form a kind of education that takes into account such opening processes, or which has the aim not only to insert the children in the present set of basic curricula but in making possible the emergence of practices aimed at producing experiences and the reception of questioning and creation of knowledge, which would result in the transformation of the subjects of these experiences, teachers and students. Anyway, how schools could facilitate the exercise of an open education and so tailor their practices beyond the record of the usefulness and effectiveness.Downloads
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How to Cite
MELO, Danilo augusto santos. resistance and creation in teaching and learning practices, for an open education. childhood & philosophy, Rio de Janeiro, v. 6, n. 12, p. pp.229–254, 2011. Disponível em: Acesso em: 11 feb. 2025.