The false polarization of Brazilian political scenery
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political scenario
imaginary line

How to Cite

Siqueira, L. J. A. F. de, Almeida, A. H. de L., & Targino, H. A. (2018). The false polarization of Brazilian political scenery. Ballot, 4(1-2), 174–187.


This article, entitled "The pseudo-polarization in the Brazilian political scene", analyzes in a- practical and well-grounded way the false duality presented to Brazilians in what concems the political environment and its aspects, often placed as completely repulsive magnetic potes to each otber. However, as this scientific content argues, such ideological antagonism comes long before the left-right divide, often presented by media cbannels, whose roots are inveterate in tbe not so distant slave-owning past of tbe Brazilian nation, and being increasingly widespread witb hyperindividualization of the individual always to tbe detriment of the invisible other, which is nothing more than the affirming dualistic propagation of the exclusive preponderance of a thought, while the other ideology is doomed to collective oblivion and neglect. The redemocratization of the Brazilian political scenario sbould be rooted in tbe strongest principies of political and ideological pluralism, however, the apparent pride arises in tbe Jack of dialogue, segregating tbe poli.tical vision of tbe other citizens and reducing freedom of expression broadly restricted to two poles. Through tbe bibliographical surveys carried out for the scientific elaboration of the present article tbe bistorical framework of the political-ideological division in Brazil is studied, besides demonstrating the consequences of such division in the democratic possibility of progress. Thus, the illusionary division of this illusory d.ivision is concluded as a similar approach, considering that it is only divided in the dialogue of its representatives and in the minds of its defenders, whereas reality and the political conchaves occur almost unitarily, aiming solely at the power and perpetuation of the domain of the public machine; so that wh.ile the country is still divided by ao imaginary and tenuous ideological line, política) representatives demonstrate the untruthfulness of polarization, whereas tbey co-exíst with each otber, not so secretly, not with the objective of their ideological defense, as they do its followers through blood and sweat, but rather witb its scope allotted to private interests and producers of exclusive benefits.
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