Protective masks in a COVID-19 pandemic period: a material analysis for the manufacture of protective masks, use, efficiency, and public strategies aimed at a protection discourse
Individual protection masks, COVID-19, PPE, Mask materials. Prevention, Pandemic.Resumo
This article has as objective to analyze the public strategies towards the discourses about the use of masks, various present modalities in acts of language and to provide the description of the materials and the analysis of what is really efficient regarding the use of masks. The methodological basis used was the bibliographic review consulted on impact databases by the scientific community. The databases chosen as consultation source were Web of Science and PubMed. For the selection of texts and their analysis, the steps of an integrative review literature (IRL) were developed, as suggested by Souza, Silva, & Carvalho, (2010), seeking publications about COVID-19 and individual protection masks. As the search keys were pandemic, individual protection masks, Personal protective equipment - PPE and COVID-19 for descriptors and scientific data on the subject were addressed. The result for the analysis for this study makes it possible to assess the type of material most suitable for this protective equipment production, the use of masks by the Brazilian population during the pandemic and the public strategies used in this context. We conclude that the use of a mask depends not only on the type of material used but also on isolation and hygiene measures. Thus, it was verified how emerging public strategies help in the use and greater adherence of protection masks by the population. Although some actions have been implemented in Brazil, the citizen's disobedience and irresponsibility regarding the proper use of protective masks persists.
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