The School Under Attack and the Slow Cancellation of the Future




school, psychoanalysis, education, politics, suicidal state


The social, political and educational reality in Brazil, in recent years, has demanded new positions from the field that articulates Psychoanalysis and Education in the country. This article seeks ways for Psychoanalysis, as a critical theory, in dialogue with the field of education and politics, to contribute to a better understanding of the social symptoms that appear in educational issues and, in particular, in the wave of violence that currently plagues educational institutions. We understand that the recent attacks on schools have to be seen in the context of several other attacks, from the historical lack of investment in education in the country, to the spectre of death that surrounds everyday school life, with the high rates of homicides and suicides in adolescents - expressions and consequences of necropolitics and the suicidal state that is installed in Brazilian society. When discussing educational aspects, we necessarily need to articulate issues of science, nature, economics and politics. By way of conclusion, this paper provokes the need to transmit to young people the desire to imagine other worlds and dream other dreams.



How to Cite

Gurski, R., & Lo Bianco, A. (2023). The School Under Attack and the Slow Cancellation of the Future. Studies and Research in Psychology, 23(4), 1560–1576.



Dossiê Psicanálise e Política: a insistência do real