On the role of law in ensuring the sustainable development of cities
Sustainable development, smart city, guarantees, digitalization, economyResumo
Objective. Explore the features and problems of implementing the Sustainable Development Goal No. 11 on the example of the Russian Federation. Method. When writing the article, several methods of scientific knowledge were used: the method of system analysis; method of comparative law; analysis; synthesis. Results. The theory and practice of attaining SDG No. 11 in Russia, dedicated to ensuring the sustainable development of cities, are analyzed in the article, and existing regulatory and doctrinal indicators that make it possible to assess the degree of achievement of the tasks set are defined. The authors conduct a comparative analysis of sustainable development with other environmental strategies (eco-city, smart city) and consider trends and prospects for developing urban planning tools to balance ecological, eco-nomic, and social interests in cities. Contributions. Taking into account the peculiarities of the existing legal doctrine in Russia and other former countries of the USSR, it is proposed to further develop the design of the “guarantee mechanism” for ensuring sustainable development, including the conditions for the implementation of SDG No. 11. To fill the legal gap in assessing the degree of achievement of the SDGs it is proposed to develop the Concept of Russia’s transition to sustainable development, with the defini-tion of precise tasks for each of its stages, financing, responsible bodies, etc.
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