The contribution of the knowledge society to the eco development and the smart cities / A contribuição da sociedade do conhecimento para o ecodesenvolvimento e as cidades inteligentes
This paper analyzes the elevation of technological development, corroborated by the institution of the Knowledge Society as a pillar to reaffirm the concept of eco-development, to point out how both contribute to the promotion of sustainability at the municipal level and affirmation of the right to the city. Modern society is composed primarily of urban centers and the interconnected citizens. That way, the object of the research is to clarify how the implementation of Smart Cities, through Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs), reveals itself as an important tool for environmental preservation in Brazilian cities. The choice of theme is justified by the inevitability of technological development and the need for these tools to be used for the protection, reconstruction and monitoring of the environment in the context of Smart Cities. For that, we applied the dialectic-legal approach method, associated with bibliographic research. As a result, it is possible to observe the remarkable influence of citizens' connectivity to raise the level of eco-development, however, it is indispensable more public and private investment in this area.
Keywords: Technology; Ecodevelopment; Smart cities; Urbanization; Sustainability.
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