(Re)veiled racism in Brazil: recognition as a means of confronting it through anti-racist actions / O racismo (re)velado no Brasil: reconhecimento como meio de enfrentamento a partir de ações antirracistas
Structural racism, Discrimination, Prejudice, Recognition, Antiracist actions, Racial inequality.Resumo
The present work studies racism in Brazil, thinking about its reproduction over the years until the way it is revealed today. Alarming data in studies indicate racism in physical violence, homicides, disrespect to culture and religiosity, among other manifestations. The objective is to highlight the reproduction of racism over the years until the way it is revealed in contemporary times, in order to point out that the recognition of this situation tends to be a means of confronting it. Thus, there is the following problem: in what way is it possible to confront racism in Brazil? To answer the question, the hypothesis - which has been confirmed - is that the recognition of this structural reality tends to be a means to think and manage anti-racist actions, including specific public policies against this violence, not only attributing to the past the responsibility for current attitudes. The deductive method was used, in addition to bibliographic and electronic research in books, theses, dissertations, journals and reports. The literature review focused on the search for authors who addressed the theme, enabling to reach the bibliographic review of structural racism and its consequences.
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