Public education spatialization regime: university projects, education policies and historical knowledge in Brazil (1964-2020)




Specialization Regime, University, Education Policies, Historical Knowledge


This article seeks to think about the production of historical knowledge in Brazil in its relationship with public education policies, the roles assumed by the university in the post-coup from 1964 to the present day. It also discusses how the academic historical knowledge was produced from the creation of the National Postgraduate System (NPS). The text is divided into four parts, in the first and second, I discuss the creation of universities in Brazil, to then reflect on the university reform of 1968 and place it within the discussion that establishes the creation of a National Education System. In the third, I discuss the creation of the NPS and its working within universities. Finally, I present the concept of spatialization regimes as a heuristic tool to think the relationship between education policies, university, NPS and historical knowledge.

Author Biography

Wagner Geminiano dos Santos, Ghent University

Visiting Researcher in Postdoctoral Internship at Ghent University, Belgium, with Postdoctoral Scholarship Abroad from the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development - CNPq, Brazil. Basic Education Teacher in the municipal education network of São José da Coroa Grande and Água Preta, Pernambuco. PhD and MA in History from the Pernambuco Federal University; BA in History from the Campina Grande Federal University.


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How to Cite

Santos, W. G. dos. (2023). Public education spatialization regime: university projects, education policies and historical knowledge in Brazil (1964-2020). Revista Maracanan, (32), 103–127.