“Without known disease”: Historiographical possibilities for the study of black slavery in late colonial Santiago do Chile





Historiography, Health and Disease, Slavery, Chile, Judicial Documents


The follow paper has by propose to highlight a judicial document for the study of health for the enslaved people in Santiago, Chile on the late colonial period, with a critical horizont the limited historiography about this topic about the hispanic América. We use as an example a judicial solicitude of 1820, in which there is explicit signs and possibilities of this analytical proposal. At difference of brazilian historiography of the late decades, that has advance on this research topic, worried about the history of slavery in conversation with the history of health and dissease using medical sources, the study about this topic for the chilean case, can by possivel whith the judicial documents and na analysis that delves into the methodology of the history of Justice.

Author Biography

Tamara Alicia Araya Fuentes, Oswaldo Cruz Foundation

Doctoral candidate in History of Science and Health at Oswaldo Cruz Foundation, Casa de Oswaldo Cruz. M. A. in History from the University of Chile; B. A. in History from Alberto Hurtado University, Chile.


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How to Cite

Fuentes, T. A. A. (2022). “Without known disease”: Historiographical possibilities for the study of black slavery in late colonial Santiago do Chile. Revista Maracanan, (29), 130–144. https://doi.org/10.12957/revmar.2022.57072



Research Notes