Crises: between the common, the sens, the government, the riot and the commune


  • Frederico Lyra de Carvalho Université Lille



Crisis, Commun, Government, Riot, Commune


The present article proposes to discuss four different authors who, in three different works and under different points of view, discuss the present crisis: Myriam Revault d'Allonnes (La crise sans fin); Pierre Dardot e Christian Laval (Ce cauchemar qui n'en finit pas) e Joshua Clover (Riot, strike,riot). Through the prism of the crisis, this articulation will be made with the mobilization of the concept of common, observing the methamorphosis of the meaning of the term of crisis, the change in the paradigm of government and in the political forms of riots and communes. The article aims to demonstrate that while each of these authors makes an important contribution to the debate around understanding the crisis, they become more effective if viewed together. In order to organize this articulation, besides the mentioned authors, we will make resources to the authors Anselm Jappe and Paulo Arantes.

Author Biography

Frederico Lyra de Carvalho, Université Lille

Doutorando em filosofia da arte pela Université Lille 3 e possui mestrado em estética musical pela Université Paris-Sorbonne. Contribui para os sites LavraPalavra e Urucum, além de ser membro do CEII e Autre Brésils.


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How to Cite

Carvalho, F. L. de. (2018). Crises: between the common, the sens, the government, the riot and the commune. Revista Maracanan, (18), 239–255.