Indisciplining historiography: from the historical past to the practical past, from crisis to critique


  • Arthur Lima de Avila Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul



Practical Past, Historical Past, Historiography, Discipline


This text’s aim is to try to provoke some reflections about and for contemporary historiography from the standpoint of Hayden White’s idea of the “practical past” and his criticism of the disciplined “historical past”. Through this, I ponder about some of the theoretical and political possibilities and consequences for a historiography anchored in a practical vision of the past and openly critical of some of the disciplinary traditions and injunctions often naturalized by historians, especially in a context where they seemingly seem to be in crisis, given the changes in the conjuncture that made them possible in the first place.

Author Biography

Arthur Lima de Avila, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul

Professor do Departamento de História da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS). Possui graduação, mestrado e doutorado em História pela UFRGS, este último com bolsa do CNPq e cuja tese Território Contestado: a reescrita da história do Oeste norte-americano (c. 1985-1995) recebeu o Prêmio CAPES 2011 em História. Seus principais temas de pesquisa são: Teoria da História; História intelectual; Usos do passado; Políticas do tempo; Guerras de história; Historiografia norte-americana; História dos Estados Unidos.


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How to Cite

Lima de Avila, A. (2018). Indisciplining historiography: from the historical past to the practical past, from crisis to critique. Revista Maracanan, (18), 35–49.