"For All” (Paratodos): Dance, Polyphony and Shared Production of Knowledge


  • Marta Simões Peres UFRJ. Professora Adjunta.




dança, diversidade, estudos da deficiência, saúde mental


This text deals with the improvement of the project Paratodos (education, research and extension in Dance and Health/UFRJ) after my participation in the post-doctoral program in Diversitas – Diversities, Intolerances and Conflicts Study Nucleus, which is connected to the Intolerance Studies Laboratory at FFLeCH/USP. Named “Griô Pedagogy under a Polyphonic Perspective: a dialogue between bodies and systems”, the aim of the research project was to develop a methodology in which the actor/dancer/student/participant would be stimulated to create as an autonomous person. The respect for diversity and university extension is one of the main aims of Paratodos. Its approach was enriched by the dialogue between the Theory of Polyphony by Bakhtin, the Griô Pedagogy by Pacheco and the concept of Shared Production of Knowledge by Bairon. The Performance Leonidia created by the DiVersos Troupe is an important artistic creation of this experiment.


Author Biography

Marta Simões Peres, UFRJ. Professora Adjunta.

Marta Peres é professora adjunta da UFRJ. Doutora em Sociologia (UnB, 2005), com pós doutorado em Antropologia (IFCS, UFRJ, 2006), mestre em Ciências da Saúde (UnB,2000), fisioterapeuta (IBMR, 1996), formada em dança pela Escola Angel Vianna (1990). Dirigiu os espetáculos "A Quântica dos Corpos", com a Cia de Rodas (Brasília, 2004), "68 à Vera" (UFRJ, 2008), foi uma das coreógrafas da cantata cênica "Carmina Burana", dirigida por Caíque Botkai e Ueslei Bannus (UFRJ, EM, 2009), encena "Leonídia", com a Trupe DiVersos, desde 2014. Cursou PósDoutorado no Núcleo Diversitas, USP.



How to Cite

Peres, M. S. (2017). "For All” (Paratodos): Dance, Polyphony and Shared Production of Knowledge. Interagir: Pensando a extensão, (22), 01–12. https://doi.org/10.12957/interag.2016.19373

