The question of palestine as a colonial question and Edward Said intelectual práxis


  • Fabio Bacila Sahd UFMA



Intellectual, Palestinian Question, Edward Said.


The Palestinian Question is a recurring theme in Edward Said's intellectual production, from the 1960s, when he started his academic career, until the last texts he published, shortly before his death, in 2003. We carried out a systematic reading of his production about the theme, accompanying books and articles that indicated how he justified, at different times, his involvement with the Question and the urgency of inserting it on the agenda of more general moral and political debates, held in the academic and public spaces of European countries and, especially, the USA. We found that the Saidian engagement in this issue can be thought of as a reflection of an ideal of oneself as an intellectual (another theme that runs through its production), and not merely an uncritical ethnic-national identification.

Author Biography

Fabio Bacila Sahd, UFMA

UFMA Centro III. Licenciatura em ciências humanas/sociologia.


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How to Cite

Sahd, F. B. (2020). The question of palestine as a colonial question and Edward Said intelectual práxis. Intellèctus, 19(2), 347–371.