Exile, tolerance and writing of history from Pierre Bayle's trajectory (1647-1706)


  • Jacson Schwengber Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS)




Exile, tolerance, History


This article proposes to study the intellectual trajectory of Pierre Bayle in his exile in the United Provinces in the last decades of the seventeenth century. At this time a historiographical quarrel was established between Protestants and Catholics about the interpretation of the events of the Wars of Religion. With the Revocation of the Nantes Edict, many Huguenots went to the refuge in the Netherlands. It was from there that they had to find ways to build their version of the Reformation's past. With this research, we seek to map what were the conditions that Bayle found in the refuge to produce his texts. The aim is to understand the relationship between the experience of exile, the writing of history and the defense of tolerance from the works of this author.



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How to Cite

Schwengber, J. (2020). Exile, tolerance and writing of history from Pierre Bayle’s trajectory (1647-1706). Intellèctus, 19(1), 340–363. https://doi.org/10.12957/intellectus.2020.44697