The medical and health activities in rural municipalities of Paraná (1918-1930)


  • Carmem Silvia da Fonseca Kummer Liblik Doutoranda do Programa de Pós-Graduação em História da Universidade Federal do Paraná



Medicalization, Rural Municipalities, Sanitation


This article aims to analyze the acting of the Serviço de Prophylaxia Rural do Paraná (SPRP) – Department of Rural Prophylaxis of Paraná – in rural municipalities from the state, in the years from 1916 to 1930. The analysis of books and travel reports of sanitarians doctors, the laws and decrees related to the institutionalization of the rural prophylaxis department as well as articles published in the journal Paraná Médico and also the health regulations, have allowed us an investigation of medical and health models applied in the inner cities of the state, in order that were eradicated both endemic and epidemic disease. We investigated how the models of hygiene and sanitation for the treatment of diseases were designed and put into practice, a subject that leads to an analysis of the attempt to control the health of individuals connected to a constitution of the medical knowledge.



How to Cite

Liblik, C. S. da F. K. (2016). The medical and health activities in rural municipalities of Paraná (1918-1930). Intellèctus, 15(1), 55–78.