the “pluma”: corporalities that challenge the normativity in school settings




body, education, tropology, gender


this article has the purpose of exposing some findings deployed from the hermeneutical activity from the narratives of LGBT subjects (Lesbians, Gays, transsexuals and Bisexuals) located in a past / present, in relation to the corporality expressed in the school settings. Narratives that were produced in an investigation developed between the years 2012-2013. It is recognized that this trope would be one of many that allude to the binary classification and separation of sex-gender, male / female, male / female, in this case, reproduced by subjects whose forms and desires do not conform to the established. This trope referred to in the stories allows to reveal both the gender constructions of LGBT subjects, as well as the experiences of themselves that explode in circumstances in which the difference and visibility are repressed and subalternized from a normalizing pedagogical practice. The "pen" is an unwanted or expected irruption, which obtains as a response homo / lesbo / bi / trans phobic practices that rise to hurt anyone who dares to appear in front of others in their difference or from a divergent position. This trope would be one of the many that allude to the classification and binary separation of sex-gender, man / woman, male / female, in this case, reproduced by subjects whose forms and desires do not conform to what is established. Together, it can be seen in the speeches that the presence of the pen is not completely transparent, if not, by the contrary, it sets voids and contradictions, in addition to persisting resistance that denies the diversity of bodily materializations.

Author Biographies

sylvia contreras-salinas, university of santiago de chile

Sylvia Contreras-Salinas is a doctor in pedagogy of sociocultural diversity from the Complutense University of Madrid, Master in Education with a Mention in Curriculum and Assessment. Sociologist and Teacher of Differential Education. She has worked as a teacher and researcher at various Chilean universities. He currently works in the Department of Education at the University of Santiago de Chile.

mónica ramírez pavelic, arturo prat de inquique university

Mónica Ramírez-Pavelic is a teacher and researcher. Doctor in Psychology and Education from the Autonomous University of Madrid. Psychologist and Teacher of Differential Education. He has worked in various Chilean Universities. She currently works as a researcher for the Faculty of Health Sciences of the Arturo Prat University and is an evaluator at the Agency for the Quality of Education of the Government of Chile..


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How to Cite

contreras-salinas, sylvia, & ramírez pavelic, mónica. (2020). the “pluma”: corporalities that challenge the normativity in school settings. Childhood & Philosophy, 16(36), 01–24.


