on the need for a philosophy for / with mothers and fathers in the philosophy program for / with girls and boys





philosophy for/with children, philosophy of childhood, unorthodox logics, classic children's and youth literature.


This article is a n exercise of critical and proactive reflection around on some of the foundations, interests, assumptions and developing practices of the philosophy for/with children program (P4wC). The critiques and proposals suggested here are the result of a stranger´s gaze, an authentic foreigner who has observed and thought from the edges of another boardwalk perspective the origins of and some of the developments proceeding from of Matthew Lipman’s and his collaborators’ work. It is the view of someone who has not been part of a in a research community of inquiry of practicing the P4wC program. It is the expression of an infant, who is not an infant because he lacks speech but because he speaks in a foreign language, with the advantages that 'Kohan' strangenessthis foreignness “à la Kohan” may have when this becomesenters into a dialogue with other epistemic communities. Thus, based on new research, the purpose of this writing article is to: 1) develop a philosophy for/with mothers and fathers (P4wMF), as a fundamental part of the P4wC program; 2) carry out an inclusion and development ofinclude and develop unorthodox and informal logics within the samethat program, in order to understand the thinking of girls’ and boys’ thinking in a more clear, efficient and enriched manner; 3) strengthen the links between the P4wC (including P4wMF) and the philosophy of childhood; 4) increase the experiences of the programprogram’s use of with classic children's and youth literature, especially with that which favors promotes the empowerment of girls and boys with respect toin their relationships with their mothers, fathers, caregivers, teachers and peers; and 5) also promote, with all these elements, the citizen civic education of the girls and boys as citizens.

Author Biography

juan carlos sarmiento, UNED

Barrio Nicolás de Federmán


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How to Cite

sarmiento, juan carlos. (2019). on the need for a philosophy for / with mothers and fathers in the philosophy program for / with girls and boys. Childhood & Philosophy, 15, 01–38. https://doi.org/10.12957/childphilo.2019.42732



dossier: philosophical inquiry with children: new voices