learning, language and childhood: educations and pedagogical deviation – reflections about experience and classroom


  • césar leite


This article search, from a situation of classroom, to interpret the reality of the processes of felt learning and constitution of a child in initial phase of acquisition of the written language. This passage will be constructed from the notion of similarity, language and experience in Benjamin and Agamben. For in such a way the one notion `inversion' of logic in the frequent way that we think the education and that we look at the school seems necessary, in this perspective some axles if they become central offices, (1) the first one is a look on the knowledge idea and to learn (2) as in relation the notion of `to teach finally' and third, (3) from an approach on infancy and a look on the film “The Villa” of Shiamallan, appears a necessity of ‘pedagogy of childhood’, that is, the indicative for walking for an education that of the pedagogy inferiorly. Keys words: Infancy; teaching; language; school



How to Cite

leite, césar. (2010). learning, language and childhood: educations and pedagogical deviation – reflections about experience and classroom. Childhood & Philosophy, 3(5), pp. 103–121. Retrieved from https://www.e-publicacoes.uerj.br/childhood/article/view/20511


