Assessment of food consumption in patients with chronic kidney disease after nutritional counseling




Diet, Food and Nutrition. Diet Therapy. Chronic Kidney Failure.


Introduction: Nutritional counseling is a key component in treating chronic kidney disease (CKD). Adequate caloric intake helps in reducing sodium, protein, fluid, and electrolytes in the diet and prevents further complications of the disease. Thus, this study aimed to evaluate the effect of nutritional counseling on patients with non-dialysis CKD. Methods: A quasi-experimental, controlled study with individuals in stages 3 and 4 of the disease, divided into two groups: control and counseling composed of individuals without nutritional counseling followed for 90 days. Anthropometry and clinical and nutritional assessment data were collected through the application of a 24-hour recall (R24h). Food consumption assessment was obtained using the Nutrition Data System for Research (NDSR) program. Data analysis was performed using a repeated measures model evaluating the interaction between groups versus moments. The 95% significant level was fixed for all tests. Results: 51 patients were included, 24 controls, and 27 counselings. Initial analysis showed that the groups were homogeneous. The assessment of food consumption after the counseling, with guidelines for healthy eating, resulted in a favorable response to protein control, and mineral restrictions: phosphorus, sodium, and potassium. Lower intake of calcium and vitamin D was not observed, factor that could worsen changes in bone and mineral metabolism, and there were no adverse effects on anthropometry. Conclusion: Nutritional counseling is effective, and provides adequate food consumption to the recommendations proposed in CKD.

Author Biographies

Paula Torres Presti, Paulista State University, UNESP

Master's Degree in Collective Health, Paulista State University, UNESP

Dialysis Unit, Clinical Hospital, Botucatu Medical School

Luis Cuadrado Martin, Paulista State University, UNESP

Master's Degree and Doctorate in Pathophysiology in Internal Medicine, Paulista State University, UNESP

José Eduardo Corrente, Paulista State University, UNESP

Master's Degree in Statistics from the National Institute of Pure and Applied Mathematics and Doctorate in Statistics and Luiz de Queiroz College of Agriculture

Department of Collective Health, Paulista State University, UNESP


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How to Cite

Presti, P. T., Martin, L. C., & Corrente, J. E. (2022). Assessment of food consumption in patients with chronic kidney disease after nutritional counseling. DEMETRA: Food, Nutrition & Health, 17, e62874.



Food and Nutrition in Collective Health