learning mathematics from philosophy for/with children
mathematics learning, teaching philosophy, childhood, philosophy for children, philosophy with children.Abstract
The article presents the theoretical construction of the relationship between mathematics learning and philosophy for/with children. The selection of a documentary corpus allowed delimiting the object of study. Then, thematic and analytical cards were elaborated to interpret the main statements, in which divergences and convergences between philosophy for/with children and the learning of mathematics were evidenced. The text is organized in six sections: Mathematical thinking as experience; Philosophy for/with children: a space for thinking; Reasoning, argumentation and logical thinking: a matter of philosophy for/with children and mathematics; the role of the question in mathematical thinking; the community of inquiry: a matter of mathematics; and, finally, from concept to mathematical thinking. The article gives an account of the reflection on the need to link the learning of mathematics with the exercise of philosophizing in order to democratize mathematics. This leads to the formation of critical, creative and ethical thinking, fundamental in the learning processes of mathematics, which becomes a pedagogical experience and a didactic bet from critical mathematics education. In conclusion, the interaction between these two disciplines transforms pedagogical practices and school contexts. The classroom becomes a space for inquiry, wonder, creation, reasoning, modeling, argumentation, training and individual and collective transformation. The learning of mathematics encompasses the need to emancipate the subjects in order to solve social injustices from the contexts, to promulgate equality and democracy through the learning of mathematics.
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