the magic circle and the art of leaving to repeat in childhood: exercising and learning in the spheres


  • alexandre simão freitas Universidade Federal de Pernambuco.



antropotechnique, childhood, spherology


Modern anxiety about human formation has been articulated around crucial questions for exercises, behaviors, routines, habits that are triggered to give children a certain shape, modeling the future of infans through repeated and regulated activities, at the same time in which the autoplastic forces that interact in the configuration of all life are tame. Not coincidentally, Peter Sloterdijk apprehends modernity as a form of secularization and collectivization of the life of the exercise, displacing the asceses transmitted from Antiquity from its respective spiritual contexts and dissolving them in the foamy fluid of the present biopolitical communities dedicated to the training and the industralism of the subjectivity. Based on his asceticism, it is possible to see how childhood education is at the center of a long historical chain of training through an art driven by immunological procedures and selective antropotechnique turned to the production of innumerable childhood farewells that aim to wrest the subject from their communities insuflated, hardening them and manufacturing them as "state athletes" or "domestic enterprises". In this direction, this essay intends to explore from the spherological drama described by Sloterdijk, which means to think of childhood when one has to pay the price for the absence of protective layers, that is, when the magic circles explode, the bubbles of soap blown by the eyes the child.


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Author Biography

alexandre simão freitas, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco.

Professor Adjunto do Departamento de Administração Escolar e Planejamento Educacional e Professor Permanente do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação, atuando na área de Filosofia da educação com ênfase nos estudos foucaultianos.



How to Cite

freitas, alexandre simão. (2018). the magic circle and the art of leaving to repeat in childhood: exercising and learning in the spheres. Childhood & Philosophy, 14(30), 317–339.


