what smash of pedagogical imagination! thinking school beyond (im)possible


  • colectivo filosofar con chicxs Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA) y Prof. Alicia Moreau de Justo (IES N°1)




Escuela, Imaginación, Prefiguración, Pedagogías, Infancias


This paper is motorized by the following question: Why, although there have been many changes on curricular policies and didactic designs during the last years, do we continue feeling that the school is still trapped in the reproduction of the same? May our times be signed by the lack of pedagogical imagination? We wonder about the ways in which our imagination-as the faculty to produce representations beyond what `s given-is configured in the present. And we observe that although it is presented as an unlimited faculty, it seems to have clear demarcations. We believe that at present time, we are still tied up to the modern pedagogical imaginary. However, we can identify a few practices that allow us to move from those representations, questioning the established imaginary which give place to what we call gestures of “radical pedagogical imagination”. These gestures have an impact on the way we distribute the visibilities and invisibilities of what we are able or not to consider possible in the educational field. The questions that have motivated us, far from being closed or conclusive diagnostics, pretend to inquire the educational field, through the questioning of our teacher`s subjectivity and the critical analysis of the way in which our perspectives, our practices and our collective desires are configured by sociohistoric devices and representations that are materialized in vertical and adult-centric educational values and relationships. The main contribution of this paper is the proposal of seeing in the concepts of chaos-events and pedagogical-prefiguration –developed during previous papers- the possibility of moving, the field of pedagogical imagination, to other kind of possible educative practices, that can break the devices of modern school, anticipating at the present the school we want, giving place and letting the children and young people to be the ones that contribute to the creation of a new possible educative scenario.

Author Biography

colectivo filosofar con chicxs, Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA) y Prof. Alicia Moreau de Justo (IES N°1)

El Colectivo Filosofarconchicxs es grupo de trabajo e investigación de Argentina, que surge en el año 2007 y que está integrado por docentes y estudiantes de la Carrera de Filosofía y Cs. Políticas. Nuestros trabajos parten de nuestras experiencias en torno a la actividad filosófica en general y la propuesta Filosofía con niñxs en particular, desarrollando nuestra praxis filosófica en una variedad de espacios educativos. Fruto de dicha práctica, desarrollamos un trabajo de investigación teórica, que  se ve plasmado en la formulación de textos filosóficos, pedagógicos y literarios, difundidos en Congresos, Jornadas y revistas filosóficas.


En el último tiempo, nuestras reflexiones buscan ofrecer y ensayar miradas y aportes más amplios en el campo de la reflexión pedagógica, entendiendo a la experiencia de hacer filosofía en la escuela primaria y secundaria como una perspectiva desde la cual enriquecer el pensar en torno a la educación en general, en cualquiera de los niveles e independientemente del contenido. Este trabajo contiene nuestras reflexiones y propuestas pedagógicas, que se centran en la problematización de los modos de enseñanza-aprendizaje actuales y la tensión con las formas tradicionales y modernas de educación.

El colectivo está actualmente integrado por: Carreira, Aldana; Di Chiara, Diego; Heredia, Victoria; Macri, Laura; Menchón, Ángela; Mesina, Claudia Isabel y Rosales, Sofía



How to Cite

filosofar con chicxs, colectivo. (2017). what smash of pedagogical imagination! thinking school beyond (im)possible. Childhood & Philosophy, 13(26), 105–128. https://doi.org/10.12957/childphilo.2017.26188


