June or The Stone Ages: for those who dreamed of octobers, it was too little; for the dispossessed of utopia, it was memorable





That is how I concluded one of the articles I wrote in the midst of the fervent hours surrounding the 2013 demonstrations. During that period, I wrote extensively as a means to process my thoughts, digest intense emotions, and harness the imagination fueled by the energy of the streets: 

“What About the future? The omnibus movement faces a wide array of scenarios, with others waiting to be forged. Its destiny will likely hinge on its capacity to distinguish political critique from the criticism of politics, avoiding the confusion between rejection of the current political-electoral – and partisan – system and an outright rejection of democracy in any form. These distinctions are bound to sow deep and irreconcilable internal divisions, some of which are already emerging. Will this remarkable surge of energy dissipate into the whirlpool of skepticism, ushering in another era of apathy? Might indignation manifest in authoritarian and ultra-conservative forms? Or will a multitude of tributaries chart unprecedented courses, astonishing us with their creativity while transforming the nation within the democratic framework? The answers do not rest solely with the movement itself but are also intertwined with the choices of those who have not yet taken part, as well as the actions of government and parliamentary leaders.” 

Author Biography

Luiz Eduardo Soares, Instituto Universitário de Pesquisas do Rio de Janeiro

Doutor em Ciência Política (Instituto Universitário de Pesquisas do Rio de Janeiro, IUPERJ). 


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How to Cite

Eduardo Soares, L. (2024). June or The Stone Ages: for those who dreamed of octobers, it was too little; for the dispossessed of utopia, it was memorable . (SYN)THESIS, 16(3). https://doi.org/10.12957/synthesis.2023.83517