Coordinates and trajectories of a judicialization process. An ethnographic reading of the experience of the Arhuaco indigenous people's search for justice in Colombia


  • Ginna Rivera Universidad Nacional de Colombia


Arhuaco indigenous people, Judicialization, Access to justice, Justice of intersection, Contexts of violence


The article is the result of an ethnographic research developed with the Arhuaco indigenous people of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta in Colombia, between 2017 and 2020, from my participation as an expert witness before the Supreme Court of Justice (highest instance of criminal and penal matters in the country), in the process of seeking justice for the detention, torture and murder of three indigenous authorities in 1990. In the article I analyze the complex process of the Arhuaco people to confront this act of violence, by undertaking a socio-legal mobilization that invoked the presence of the Colombian state with the prosecution of what happened to the three authorities. 

Keywords: Arhuaco indigenous people; Judicialization; Access to justice; Justice of intersection; Contexts of violence.


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Author Biography

Ginna Rivera, Universidad Nacional de Colombia

Doctora en Antropología de la Universidad de los Andes, Colombia, magíster en Derecho, magíster en Estudios Políticos y Trabajadora Social de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Integrante del Grupo por el Pluralismo Jurídico en Latinoamérica (Prujula), docente de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia, investigadora del Grupo de investigación en educación popular y procesos comunitarios de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia (EnRaizAndo UN). Su última publicación es: Rivera Rodríguez, Ginna Marcela. 2022. “Labores periciales en contextos de judicialización con pueblos indígenas. Texturas de la experiencia de producción de un peritaje antropológico para el pueblo arhuaco en Colombia”. Antípoda. Revista de Antropología y Arqueología 48: 29-53.



How to Cite

Rivera, G. (2023). Coordinates and trajectories of a judicialization process. An ethnographic reading of the experience of the Arhuaco indigenous people’s search for justice in Colombia. Direito E Práxis, 15(3). Retrieved from